Discover our projects
Le Petit Vélo Jaune
Rênes de la Vie
Sans Collier
Discover our values

Discover our projects

The MAD Foundation actively supports projects focused on helping families, education and the protection of the planet and its animals.


HECTAR aims to help farmers by supporting projects that are economically viable, socially just and sustainable for the planet.

Le Petit Vélo Jaune

The project supports single parents or those in vulnerable or precarious situations, right from the start of their family adventure, or even during pregnancy.

Rênes de la Vie

The project works on the relationship between disabled children, horses and nature, developing a therapeutic and social approach.

Sans Collier

The project runs a shelter for found, mistreated and abandoned dogs and cats, and promotes awareness of animal welfare.

Discover our values

The MAD Foundation is based on strong convictions such as solidarity, impact on education and long-term commitment to the projects it supports.


The Marguerite and Adrien Dassault Foundation focuses on helping families and people in need and education; and on environmental protection and animal welfare.

Created in 2021, the Foundation has funded more than ten associations in Belgium, France, and Lebanon. Beyond financial support, the MAD Foundation wishes to create real and long-lasting links with the associations, thus facilitating their project development. The Foundation intends to progressively increase the number of projects supported in the coming years.

Find out more
"We have always had the hope, the belief, the conviction that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the horizon”

Engagement areas

Supporting families, people in need, and education

Supporting families, people in need, and education

In France and Belgium, 1 in 5 children live below the poverty line.

For these children, it isn’t only a lack of money. It also potentially means being deprived of healthy food, decent housing, medical care, school support, cultural outings, books… It can mean having difficulties in French and at school. Some may give up on studying and working altogether, isolating themselves.

The MAD Foundation seeks to better support families in precarious or fragile situations. It strives to give every child a decent education by stimulating their talent and entrepreneurial spirit from a young age. It also wishes to help entrepreneurs recover after a professional bankruptcy,  and prevent entire families from falling into a spiral of financial stress.

Protecting our planet

Protecting our planet

One third of the world’s agricultural soils are degraded…

…while 70,000 agricultural jobs are left unfilled each year and hundreds of thousands of farms are taken over in France. The MAD Foundation seeks to contribute to a much-needed ecological transition. How? For example, by helping associations that carry out organic and regenerative farming projects and soil preservation.

Protecting our planet also means protecting animals: every year, 100,000 pets are abandoned in France and 60,000 in Belgium. By focusing on the therapeutic virtues of animals in particular, the MAD Foundation seeks to protect and reinforce the links between animals and humans.

We support them

Opéra national de Paris

Opéra national de Paris

Support for the Ecole de Danse de l'Opéra national de Paris in organising an international event.

Helping families, people in need, and education • France
Juan Pena Aguirre

Juan Pena Aguirre

Support for young violin prodigy Juan Pena Aguirre.

Helping families, people in need, and education • Switzerland
Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque

Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque

Giving children with heart defects a chance.

Helping families, people in need, and education • France and Switzerland
Médecins Sans Frontières

Médecins Sans Frontières

A humanitarian organisation dedicated to bringing medical aid to countries in need.

Helping families, people in need, and education • Palestine
Mélanie Bovy

Mélanie Bovy

Support for middle and long-distance athlete Mélanie Bovy.

Helping families, people in need, and education • Belgium
Centre de Sauvegarde de l Faune en Lorraine

Centre de Sauvegarde de l Faune en Lorraine

The centre's mission is to protect wildlife in Lorraine by caring for and reintroducing animals in distress, as well as raising awareness and carrying out research.

Protection of our planet • Lorraine
Home Philippe Speth

Home Philippe Speth

Long-term care for young people aged 12 to 18 who have grown up in a difficult environment, providing them with social and medical support.

Helping families, people in need, and education • Kapellen
The Dauphine Foundation

The Dauphine Foundation

Promoting entrepreneurship among students and alumni of Université Paris-Dauphine.

Helping families, people in need, and education • Paris
Synergie 14

Synergie 14

Accommodation and support for unaccompanied foreign minors to help them integrate in Belgium.

Helping families, people in need, and education • Brussels
Schola ULB

Schola ULB

Enabling young pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds in Brussels to benefit from a tutoring programme free of charge.

Helping families, people in need, and education • Brussels


Welcomes children from difficult family situations to a day centre.

Helping families, people in need, and education • Charleroi
Brave Heart

Brave Heart

Enable underprivileged children suffering from congenital heart disease to benefit from the medical care.

Helping families, people in need, and education • Lebanon
Le Petit Vélo Jaune

Le Petit Vélo Jaune

Supporting families in need

Helping families, people in need, and education • Belgium


Participating in the ecological transition through regenerative agriculture

Protection of our planet • Paris
Les Rênes de la Vie

Les Rênes de la Vie

Supporting children with disabilities with equine-assisted therapy

Helping families, people in need, and education • La Hulpe
Sans Collier

Sans Collier

Make animal protection an essential part of our society

Protection of our planet • Perwez
The Pulse Foundation

The Pulse Foundation

Inspiring and promoting entrepreneurship

Helping families, people in need, and education • Belgium
La Fondation pour l’Ecriture

La Fondation pour l’Ecriture

Encouraging young people to write

Helping families, people in need, and education • France
La Petite Ecole

La Petite Ecole

Gently bringing children back to school

Helping families, people in need, and education • Brussels