Our Projects

Our Projects

Since 2021, the MAD Foundation has supported associations that promote the development of talent and excellence among young people, help families and children in need, and work to promote the well-being and health of all living beings, both human and non-human.

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Opéra national de Paris

Opéra national de Paris

Support for the Ecole de Danse de l'Opéra national de Paris in organising an international event.

Talent & Excellence • France
Juan Pena Aguirre

Juan Pena Aguirre

Support for young violin prodigy Juan Pena Aguirre.

Talent & Excellence
Mélanie Bovy

Mélanie Bovy

Support for middle and long-distance athlete Mélanie Bovy.

Talent & Excellence • Belgium
The Dauphine Foundation

The Dauphine Foundation

Promoting entrepreneurship among students and alumni of Université Paris-Dauphine.

Talent & Excellence • Paris
The Pulse Foundation

The Pulse Foundation

Inspiring and promoting entrepreneurship