

Adrien Dassault
Marguerite Longuet-Dassault

Adrien Dassault & Marguerite Longuet-Dassault

Adrien Dassault is an Executive Director at Tikehau Capital, a European alternative asset management company.

After working at Deutsche Bank, he founded Myfab.com in 2008, a website that creates customizable decorative objects. He then created Heliceum, a platform and publisher of interactive applications, video games, and original entertainment concepts. He joined Banque Transatlantique Belgium as a private banker in 2016 and then joined Tikehau Capital in 2018.

Adrien holds a Master’s degree in banking, corporate, and financial law from the University of Paris Dauphine – PSL. He is an observing member of the supervisory board of Groupe Industriel Marcel Dassault and a member of the Board of Directors of Immobilière Dassault. He is also Chairman of Maison NextGen and Secretary General of the Fondation Dauphine.

Marguerite Longuet-Dassault is a lawyer specialized in corporate law at the Paris Bar.

She began her career as a corporate lawyer at Vivendi followed by Thalès. She was also Secretary of the Board of AFCM, the French Association of Contract Management and has practiced mediation in civil and commercial legal matters. She joined Simon Associates in 2022.

Marguerite holds a Master’s degree in Intellectual Property Law from Fordham University in New York, a Master’s degree in Business Law from the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas, and a certificate in mediation in civil and commercial law.

Marguerite and Adrien are the proud parents of three children. It is from this family sphere that their desire to support families in need and to work for a more sustainable world blossomed.

Each child must have access to an environment that offers a chance to flourish.

Our values

Since 2021, the MAD Foundation has been committed to working alongside people who are active in educational missions and in supporting vulnerable families and individuals, particularly children.

Because we want future generations to live in a world that respects the environment, we are also committed to associations active in the protection of nature and animals.

Our values


It is important for us to act in solidarity with the people and causes that need it.

Solidarity can lift mountains. We believe that generosity is not an empty word and can take different forms: financial support, time, and mobilization  for causes that are dear to us.


Educational impact

“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela.

We believe that education is a formidable lever in supporting social mobility. Giving equal opportunities to children from isolated and/or underprivileged families and helping them learn and discover their talents is one of the core missions of the MAD Foundation.

Building self-confidence is essential because a child who has difficulties in elementary school can still be extraordinary in a discipline they are passionate about. It is only necessary to help them find that passion, and the MAD Foundation does this by supporting a group of educational projects conducted by several associations.

Educational impact

Long-term commitment

Since its creation in 2021, the MAD Foundation has supported more than 10 associations. Our goal is to support a total of 50 in the next 5 years.

We believe that funding  projects without knowing the project leaders and understanding their deepest concerns is not enough. The MAD Foundation seeks to provide more than donations – we follow up with the associations and provide support to their project development.

Moreover, we do not wish to make one-off donations, instead we opt for long-term commitments, with a focus on small associations that need support.

As a young organization, the MAD Foundation knows that philanthropy cannot be improvised. We therefore surround ourselves with experts such as Telos Impact in order to better identify and select associations.

Long-term commitment