Schola ULB Projet

Schola ULB

Since 1989, the Schola ULB Tutorat programme has offered free tutoring to young students from underprivileged backgrounds in Brussels. This academic accompaniment is provided by a student tutor and is aimed at developing the pupils’ potential and stimulating their ambitions for the future.

The MAD foundation has supported Schola ULB in the following two areas: offering support to young people during the school holidays and setting up a tutoring programme in alternative locations in collaboration with local community centres.

Schola ULB in a few figures:

43.200 students supported since 1989
1.028 pupils supported between February 2022 and February 2023 as part of the "holiday tutoring" programme
500 pupils supported in 2022 in 23 non-school structures as part of the "alternative places tutoring" programme.
Schola ULB